New JavaScript FX library from Vienna, Austria: script. is past, scripty2 is the future!

By | June 28


Thomas Fuchs is the pioneer of the first FX JavaScript library script. and as he and his work reside in Vienna (which is more or less my hometown) I have to support his new open source product called scripty2 which is a successor of script..

To keep things short: It’s a first release and therefore still in Alpha. It looks promising, especially because it’s only 5KB of size (gzipped & excl. PrototypeJS).

Check out the demos to see if it’s something you gonna need for your future work or not.


One comment on “New JavaScript FX library from Vienna, Austria: script. is past, scripty2 is the future!

  1. Hey great demos, some useful information for my current job search board, thanks.