ajaxed 0.2 released

By | July 16

Upon releasing the first version of a classic ASP AJAX library called ajaxed I received a lot of positive response. For this reason I have extended the library and released version 0.2 now. The update consists mostly of server side additions which have not really to do with Ajax. Still those additions are very useful when working with ajaxed because everything is done on server side. Here is a short excerpt of some additions:

  • A database can be easily configured now and accessed with several convenient methods.
  • A collection of useful string functions is now directly accessible (check VBScript String functions). Those functions are necessary for all kind of projects you do.
  • Prototype is being used now

Have a look at the new version and give me your feedback. I hope that I can find some time to come up with more tutorials.

4 comments on “ajaxed 0.2 released

  1. i’ve been waiting for this, thanks michal

  2. yeah…so am i! thanks michal

  3. Hope there is something new you can use … and i hope to get some feedback ;)

  4. why not add support for jquery?