ajaxed 2.0 released

By | November 25

It’s been some time since the last version has been released. But today it’s here! Fresh and with loads of updates comes the brand new ajaxed version 2.0. Coupled with it we proud to announce the new official ajaxed website - .

official  website

The community is growing and ajaxed already helps a lot developers to keep their legacy ASP application still up to date. Some highlight of the release:

Read about the highlight of version 2.0

One cool thing on the new website is the publicly available source code of . Thats a great resource to have a look into real world ajaxed development.

6 comments on “ajaxed 2.0 released

  1. Great Job Michal!

    It is a very impressive framework…you did a long way with it.
    I’m very proud to be a Classic ASP devoloper these days…thanks to you :)

  2. thanks uri .. great to hear that you are still using the classics :)
    btw check the new article i have written

    it gives you a lot of details you might not know…

  3. Michal,

    Is it possible to use ajaxed wth jquery instead of prototype ?

    If no, would it be a huge amount of work to change the javascript library ?



    • Hi Sean, you might be interested in

  4. ajaxedd.org is dead. could someonu send me boraalparat gmail.com

    • Good to know I wasn’t the only one who noticed. I would also be willing to take over the project and keep the site running.