Category Archives: classic ASP (VBScript)

ASP (VBScript) RSS reader/writer class

Once i was looking for a nice RSS class/component for ASP which allows me to read all kind of feed formats programmatically. In addition to the correct parsing it should also be able to create own feeds for publishing purposes. Unfortunately I could not find any component which fits those requirements in ASP and therefore […]

Template component for classic ASP

You might know it from other plattforms but hardly seen it in classic ASP apps: Templates. Some time ago I have written a Template component which i recently updated and decided to make it publicly available. It allows you to load a template file and replace its placeholders with actual values. It comes up with […]

JSON character escaping function in classic ASP

If you are into advanced AJAX techniques you probably will stumble across JSON (www.) which makes developing (and therefore the life) a lot easier when working with AJAX. If you already stumbled across and you use JSON within classic ASP you might find this article useful. It deals with escaping characters for JSON acording to the RFC4627#2.5

8 Reasons to Stick with ASP 3.0 in (and)

Today I was browsing through the microsoft.­public.­inetserver.­asp.­general newsgroup and found a nice article linked within a topic where people are talking about classic ASP and its brother .net. The article outlines 8 reasons to stick with the good old classic ASP … Unfortunately I cannot really figure out when the article was written but i […]

VBScript Regular Expression builder

Some weeks ago I had to build a couple of regular expressions for my classic ASP apps and I was sick of playing around directly in the code. For this purpose I’ve created a small web tool which helps me playing & testing around directly in a web form. Type in a regex pattern, set […]

Collection of VBScript string functions for classic ASP

I’ve just thought of extracting another class of my framework called StringOperations and publish it on here for free use because I think there are some useful things in it which you need for everyday work. Beside that it includes some functions which are also available in the .net framework. So whenever you have to […]

Cache object for classic ASP

As I have written my own framework for building web based applications with classic ASP I thought of posting some classes, components, controls, etc. on here. The complete framework is not publicly available (yet). Nevertheless I want to publish some fragments of it here if they are somehow standalone, so its not a real mission […]

German community for classic ASP

Everyone who gets in touch with classic ASP should have a look at . Thats one of the best resources for classic ASP. Response time is extremely good and participants have really good knowledge about web scripting. Unfortunately the language is German.